A word from the manager
Today, a secondary school is no longer just a place of education. It is a place of life that aims to help your children develop and grow.
Our school is moving in this direction. Our ambition is to personalize the educational path of each pupil entrusted to us, enabling them to achieve and flourish. By being attentive to each individual, our pupils and students receive support, advice and guidance. We also work on building self-esteem and self-confidence, which help our students to make decisions and take responsibility for them.
In a constantly evolving society, we need to be aware of the expectations and challenges of the economic world in order to develop projects that will meet the needs of tomorrow.
That's why mobility is at the heart of our school, which has now been awarded the "International School" label. We've made it a priority: young people and adults alike can cross-fertilize European cultures through a growing number of Erasmus projects.
As a real player in its region, our school also wants to be close to the business world. More and more of them are getting involved and supporting us in the innovative projects we are developing.
Thus, we prepare our students for versatility, adaptability, autonomy... With these skills, they will be ready for the world of work that awaits them.
My team and I will work with you to ensure that your children who attend our school succeed and flourish.
Jean-Noël TEXIER
Educational project
The plant project is based on three essential principles:
Living your faith:
celebrate, open up to the universal
Human formation is based on a relationship of authority and trust between adults and students, on educational and personal listening. Students can enrich their self-knowledge and develop their self-confidence by becoming aware of and enhancing their skills.
Getting involved :
feeling good, planning ahead, getting involved
This commitment is implemented by teams and students working together on projects. Teachers innovate, exchange ideas and create around their teaching practices. Various projects are proposed to students to encourage them to become personally or collectively involved in their own lives.
Open :
welcoming, creating, renewing
The entire educational community is committed to welcoming students and their families at every moment of the day in a caring and listening relationship.